Although she wasn't perfect and I have hopefully learned from her mistakes, my Mother was an incredible Mother. Our house was always perfectly clean, she made a healthy from scratch family dinner every night, she volunteered at our schools, checked our homework, led our groups, hosted play dates, threw great parties and basically made Mothering look easy. If she would have had a son, she would have been a tough act to follow. Now as a Mother myself, I am confronted with making Motherhood my own while living in my Mothers footsteps. Although I am not nearly the perfectionist or as strict, I do hope to make Mothering look as easy to my own kids as she did to me and my sister.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Birthday to Remember

Growing up, one of the many things my Mother did right was birthdays. I would wake up on the morning of my birthday and my Mom would have stayed up the night before decorating the kitchen with balloons, streamers, party plates and presents. She would make me favorite breakfast, pack me what I wanted for lunch, let me choose dinner and best of all, the cake of my choice! There was nothing about the day that she did not make special. So if you are wondering why I love birthdays so much, it is because of my Mother.

That being said, with my son's birthday approaching, I am filled with anticipation and excitement as I get to carry on traditions my Mother started but in my own way. Yes, this is only his second birthday, but I know that Mason is well aware of things that are fun and special and I want him to feel the magic that a birthday can bring even at this young age. So with less than a month until the big party, I get to start the planning and preparation for the big  event. Plus this will bring a much need distraction to the seemingly long wait to meet my daughter in May!

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